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Junior Membership





In 2018 we allowed a 20 year old to attend our camping weekends.  He was well behaved and well liked and from this was born the Junior Membership program for those who are legal adults at 18, but do not have full rights until 21. As of 2019 by mutual agreement all camping weekends as well as some of our other events will be open to the 18-21 age group, who would be considered Junior Members. 

We were all young gay men once and understand the social wasteland they are in, particularly if from a rural area,  being too old for their previous peers as a legal adult, yet three years remain before they can go anywhere adult gay people gather.  If they’re from a small town where everyone is in the closet, this isolated wait seems ridiculously long and this is the main reason to open up this limited membership to younger people.  

Our Junior Membership is a limited one, allowing younger members to attend the camping trips, our spa events at Steam Portland which are held every other month in a public venue where the age is 18 to begin with, and any public areas we may organize events such as the local nude beaches.   Our Junior members MAY NOT attend any regular hosted gatherings held in close quarters where alcohol is present.

Being allowed to attend some is no exception to the ban on underage drinking.  This is a matter of law and should a Junior Member be caught violating this they will be removed from the event in accordance with Oregon law and their limited membership terminated.  Adults in their turn agree not to provide alcohol to this age group under the same penalties.  We want to be welcoming, but not at risk, so this provision will be strictly enforced.

Due to their limited status our Junior Membership program is lower priced than regular membership at $20.00 per year, and is upgraded to full membership status at our expense on their 21st birthday.  Junior Members also qualify for the $5.00 discount from membership if joining at one of our OMEN Spa Nights.



If you have specific questions about this program, click here to send a message.



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